This week there is a new face at Wilson Everard - Nick Hickford has arrived to take up the role of CEO.
David Mattingly has been urging us for at least 10 years to get one so we’ve finally taken his advice.
As you would expect, it has taken us over 12 months to find the right bloke and convince him to make the move.
Nick was previously in a similar position for almost 9 years at The Bridge - a highly successful marketing and advertising consultancy here in Melbourne.
Prior to that he was in brand management at National Foods, Eveready Energizer and Sanitarium before ending up as Berri’s Director of Marketing.
Originally from the client side as you can clearly see, Nick describes himself, somewhat self effacingly, as a “marketer who knows advertising”.
At Wilson Everard, Nick will be very “hands-on” as he can conduct workshops with client marketing teams, mentor client and agency staff and advise on marketing strategies, their implementation and ultimately, ad campaigns.
We think Nick will be the “Yin” to the Wilson Everard “Yan” and will ultimately make this agency an even better business partner for our clients.
You can contact Nick on 0411 698 438 or at nick.hickford@wilsoneverard.com.au